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Author(s): Almeida, Paulo Pereira de
Date: 2003
Title: The service enterprise: work, competence and performance in servicelization contexts
Collection title and number: Dinâmia Working Paper
Keywords: Servicelization
Organizational models
Enterprise model
Abstract: This paper proposes an alternative to the theoretical framework for the approaches to phenomena of the servicelization of work in complex organizational contexts. Alternatives are submitted to explain these phenomena based on different organization models in the context of the service sector – and service production - in its specificities. In contradiction to the models which question the industrialization processes, theoretical paradigms are presented which highlight integration in the analyses of new concepts of work, such as co-production, the supremacy of the client/user, the evaluation of organizational performances and competence logic. Finally, a model of the service enterprise is presented with its alternative configurations in a proposal for empirical application.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-WP - Working papers com arbitragem científica

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