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Author(s): Salavisa, I.
Latoeira, C.
Roldão, A.
Date: Dec-2009
Title: The role of creative industries and governance for cities’ competitiveness: the case of Lisbon and Barcelona
Collection title and number: DINÂMIA'CET-Working Papers
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.7749/dinamiacet-iul.wp.2009.81
Keywords: Urban competitiveness
Creative industries
Abstract: This paper analyses and compares the competitiveness dynamics of two metropolitan areas: Lisbon and Barcelona and the specific role of creative activities and governance in those dynamics. Its aim is to improve our knowledge about the nexus governance-competitiveness-creativity in those regions, in order to contribute to formulate strategic guidelines for policymaking and urban governance. At a further stage, they might support cities’ competitiveness and urban vitality, in the context of current global shifts. Competitiveness is considered as a complex concept requiring a multidimensional approach. Thus, we have developed an analytical model that includes six main dimensions: human capital; innovation; entrepreneurship and creativity; infrastructures and quality of life; attractiveness and national and international networks; and governance entities and forms. Each dimension includes a set of variables. Different methods and sources were used for data collection, including case studies, experts’ interviews, strategic and spatial plans and statistical databases. Data will be analysed with a set of diverse techniques, both qualitative and quantitative. Among all dimensions that have an impact on urban competitiveness/attractiveness, we will try to identify and isolate the specific contribution of creative activities and governance forms and strategies for the different dynamics of the two urban areas. A particular emphasis will be put on: a) knowledge intensive sectors and their creative and innovative dimensions, which appear as quite connected; b) the impact of different governance levels and public policies on urban competitiveness.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-WP - Working papers com arbitragem científica

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