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Author(s): Stoleriu, O. M.
Brochado, A.
Ruso, A.
Lupu, C.
Date: 2019
Title: Analyses of visitors’ experiences in a natural world heritage site based on TripAdvisor reviews
Journal title: Visitor Studies
Volume: 22
Number: 2
Pages: 192 - 212
Reference: Stoleriu, O. M., Brochado, A., Ruso, A., & Lupu, C. (2019). Analyses of visitors’ experiences in a natural world heritage site based on TripAdvisor reviews. Visitor Studies, 22(2), 192-212.
ISSN: 1064-5578
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1080/10645578.2019.1665390
Abstract: Danube Delta is the second largest European delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a famous paradise for nature lovers and bird watchers, which attracts increasing numbers of tourists every year. The article uses mixed methods, qualitative (i.e., narratives) and quantitative (i.e., computer) analyses, to examine the main components of visitors' subjective experiences of the Danube Delta. Data is represented by online visitor reviews, posted between 2011 and 2017 on the TripAdvisor website. The results showed that experiences of the Danube Delta are mostly positive and centered on direct contact with nature and wildlife. However, managerial aspects linked to visit organization, such as boat types, trip itinerary, duration, or food, were more prominent in the tourists’ impressions and recommendations, compared to destination attributes. Experiences of the Danube Delta are mostly passive, dominantly visual, with low visitor emotional and physical engagement. The cultural and environmental dimensions are underrepresented in people's reviews.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-RI - Artigos em revistas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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