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Author(s): Pacheco, M.
Editor: Susana S. Martins
Anne Reverseau
Date: 2016
Title: Urban representation in photographic books: Emotional city mapping through the innocence of objects
Book title/volume: Paper cities: Urban portraits in photographic books
Pages: 151 - 167
Reference: Pacheco, M. (2016). Urban representation in photographic books: Emotional city mapping through the innocence of objects. In S. S. Martins, & Anne Reverseau (Eds.). Paper cities: Urban portraits in photographic books (pp. 151-167). Leuven University Press.
ISBN: 9789462700581
Abstract: Cities’ representation has become increasingly limited, disregarding thousands of years of complex cartographies–between the sentimental and the documental. This chapter attempts to explore a particular photography book: a catalogue which addresses the representation of place in a rather unconventional way. The Innocence of Objects is part of a triangle, together with Orhan Pamuk’s novel and the Museum of Innocence in Istanbul. The novel-catalogue is not a sub-product of the museum; on the contrary, it is at its origin. While the Museum of Innocence is the architecture of a sequence of scenes that build up space from the reconstruction of careful compositional structures that generate new relationships, The Innocence of Objects displays them as still-lifes, where story and history merge. Through photography, the displayed compositions—or artificial landscapes—build up a panoramic cityscape, an urban identity beyond its physical form and specific time, that encourages a deeper understanding of the multiple and stratified meanings of the city.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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