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Author(s): Junjie, Zhu
Advisor: Portela, Sofia Lopes
Date: 17-Apr-2024
Title: Launch of the e-commerce in the Ruizhu Jewelry company
Reference: Junjie, Z. (2024). Launch of the e-commerce in the Ruizhu Jewelry company [Dissertação de mestrado, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório Iscte.
Keywords: Comércio eletrónico -- E-commerce
Plano de negócio -- Business plan
Ourivesaria -- Jewelry
Abstract: The existence of e-commerce has completely changed the way people consume, becausepeople do not need to go out to do shopping, easily buy almost any product, but alsoafter- sales security. This project presents the launch of e-commerce in the Ruizhu Jewelry Company, awell- established jewelry retailer in China. The objective of this study is to explore the benefitsandchallenges of implementing e-commerce in the jewelry industry and to develop a comprehensive business plan for the successful launch of the e-commerce platforminthiscompany. To attain these objectives, a literature review was done, as well as an external analysis(by using the PESTE analysis, sector analysis, competitor analysis, Porter’s Five Forcesanalysis, and consumer analysis), and an internal analysis, which allowed to provideaSWOT analysis. Market research was done by collecting data through a customer surveywith 375 valid responses. Taking this diagnosis into consideration, the value propositionandproject strategy were defined, the marketing-mix is proposed and the main requirementsfor implementation of the project are presented. Finally, an economic and financial viabilityof this project is done which indicates that this project has a net present value of 0.1017(Unit: one million RMB), an Internal Rate of Return of 17.9% and a payback period of 4. As such, it is suggested to implement this project.
Department: Departamento de Marketing, Operações e Gestão Geral
Degree: Mestrado em Gestão Aplicada
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:T&D-DM - Dissertações de mestrado

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