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Author(s): Chen, Jian
Advisor: Portela, Sofia Lopes
Date: 17-Apr-2024
Title: Business plan of "Ci Shangjin" hanfu culture experience hall
Reference: Chen, J. (2024). Business plan of "Ci Shangjin" hanfu culture experience hall [Dissertação de mestrado, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório Iscte.
Keywords: Hanfu culture
Cultural experience
Plano de negócio -- Business plan
Análise de mercado -- Market analysis
Abstract: The thesis investigates the economic and financial viability of a "Ci Shangjin" Hanfu Culture Experience Hall in China, leveraging the burgeoning interest in traditional Hanfu culture. The context is the cultural resurgence and the growing fascination with China's historical heritage, particularly among younger generations seeking cultural authenticity. The core issue addressed is the lack of immersive cultural venues that adequately represent Hanfu traditions, beyond mere attire. The project's objective is to establish an experience hall that educates and engages visitors in the historical and cultural significance of Hanfu, promoting a deeper cultural appreciation. Methodologically, the study combines a literature review, an external situational analysis (by using PEST analysis, sector analysis, competitor analysis and customer analysis), and target audience surveys. Based on this diagnosis, the opportunities and threats of this project is analysed. The value proposition and project strategy are presented, as well as a proposal about how to implement the project. Lastly, the economic and financial viability analysis is presented. The findings suggest a lucrative market niche fueled by cultural revival and experiential learning interests. The thesis proposes an interactive hall offering workshops, exhibitions, and events to attract and educate visitors about Hanfu culture, aiming to foster cultural engagement and appreciation. This project is economically viable, with an NPV of ¥1,286,068.97 (€164,488.22, at the current exchange rate), an IRR of 16% and a payback period of 3.64 years.
Department: Departamento de Marketing, Operações e Gestão Geral
Degree: Mestrado em Gestão Aplicada
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:T&D-DM - Dissertações de mestrado

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