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Author(s): Penela, D.
Silva, C. C. da.
Ramiro, A. F.
Monteiro, R. A. da V.
Almeida, A. A. de.
Moniz, P. S. L.
Date: 2024
Title: The real estate prices post-Covid: A fsQCA analysis
Journal title: Proelium
Number: 13
Pages: 161 - 174
Collection title and number: 8;
Reference: Penela, D., Silva, C. C. da., Ramiro, A. F., Monteiro, R. A. da V., Almeida, A. A. de., & Moniz, P. S. L. (2024). The real estate prices post-Covid: A fsQCA analysis. Proelium, (13), 161-174.
ISSN: 1645-8826
Keywords: Real estate
Inflation rate
Abstract: The real estate market and the assets that compose it, are an essential asset to human beings. As such, several agents that influence and motivate various sectors of economic activity are part of this market. This study aims to analyze the evolution of the real estate sector, and which are the main factors that may influence its price, in the context of a pandemic. This work will focus on the real estate sector and on five different factors that may influence its price, such as: Labour Cost, Construction Cost, Settlement Area, Inflation Rate and Covid-19 Cases. The period for this research ranges from 3/15/2020 to 11/14/2021, a total of 96 weeks, to integrate the covid-19 factor into the study. The results show that the variables fsLabourCost and fsSettlementArea are both necessary conditions for an increase in house prices.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-RN - Artigos em revistas científicas nacionais com arbitragem científica

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