Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/31185
Autoria: Pavia, J. P.
Velez, V.
Souto, N.
Silva, M. M. Da
Correia, A.
Data: 2024
Título próprio: System-level assessment of massive multiple-input–multiple-output and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in centralized radio access network and IoT scenarios in sub-6 GHz, mm-Wave, and THz bands
Título da revista: Applied Sciences
Volume: 14
Número: 3
Referência bibliográfica: Pavia, J. P., Velez, V., Souto, N., Silva, M. M. Da, & Correia, A. (2024). System-level assessment of massive multiple-input–multiple-output and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in centralized radio access network and IoT scenarios in sub-6 GHz, mm-Wave, and THz bands. Applied Sciences, 14(3), 1098. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app14031098
ISSN: 2076-3417
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.3390/app14031098
Palavras-chave: RIS
Massive MIMO
System-level simulation
Resumo: In this article, we investigate in different scenarios the feasibility of using massive multiple-input–multiple-output (mMIMO) with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) to increase the throughput and coverage with high energy efficiency, considering sub-6 GHz, mmWave, and THz bands. With that objective, a centralized radio access network (C-RAN) suitable for beyond fifth-generation (B5G) systems is considered, where we integrate the base stations (BSs) with multiple RISs and IoT devices or user equipment. RISs with a large number of quasi-passive reflecting elements constitute a low-cost approach capable of shaping radio wave propagation and improving wireless connectivity. We consider a scenario where multiple RISs are combined with mMIMO in the uplink in order to provide connectivity to a smart city (with thousands of active low-power IoT devices), wirelessly, in the 3.6 GHz and 28 GHz bands. We also address a scenario where RISs are adopted with mMIMO in the downlink so as to offer connectivity to a stadium with a pitch, (and thousands of active users’ equipment) in the 28 GHz band. Finally, we also studied the connectivity at 100 GHz of a factory in which several RIS panels, replacing most of the BSs equipped with mMIMO, assure improved throughput and coverage. We concluded that RISs are capable of improving the performance in any of these analyzed scenarios at the different frequency bands, justifying that they are a key enabling technology for 6G.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:IT-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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