IT-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica : [273] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 273
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2024The finishing space value for shooting decision-making in high-performance footballCaldeira, N.; Lopes, R. J.; Araújo, D.; Fernandes, D.ArticleOpen Access
2024On the road to proactive vulnerability analysis and mitigation leveraged by Software Defined Networks: A systematic reviewPolónio, J.; Moura, J.; Marinheiro, R. N.ArticleOpen Access
2024Statistical characterization of the effect of random core loss on the intercore crosstalk in long-haul uncoupled multicore fiber linksRebola, J. L.; Cartaxo, A. V. T.ArticleOpen Access
2024A novel AI approach for assessing stress levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus based on the acquisition of physiological parameters acquired during daily lifeRibeiro, G.; Monge, J.; Postolache, O.; Pereira, J. M. D.ArticleOpen Access
2024Advances in auditing and business continuity: A study in financial companiesBrás, J. C.; Pereira, R. F.; Fonseca, M.; Ribeiro, R.; Bianchi, I. S.ArticleOpen Access
2024Impact of the reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer architecture on the design of multi-band C+L+S optical networksRamos, J. F. Ó.; Cancela, L.; Rebola, J.ArticleOpen Access
2024DevOps metrics and KPIs: A multivocal literature reviewAmaro, R.; Pereira, R.; Silva, M. M. da.ArticleOpen Access
2024Mapping and integrating security and risk standards: A systematic literature reviewFernandes, A.; Cruz, J.; Silva, M. M. da.; Pereira, R.ArticleOpen Access
2024On the performance of partial LIS for 6G systemsSilva, M. M. da.; Gashtasbi, A.; Dinis, R.; Pembele, G.; Correia, A.; Guerreiro, J.ArticleOpen Access
2023Black hole-wormhole collisions and the emergence of islandsDias, J. M.; Frassino, A. M.; Paccoia, V. D.; Rocha, J. V.ArticleOpen Access
2024System-level assessment of massive multiple-input–multiple-output and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in centralized radio access network and IoT scenarios in sub-6 GHz, mm-Wave, and THz bandsPavia, J. P.; Velez, V.; Souto, N.; Silva, M. M. Da; Correia, A.ArticleOpen Access
2024A new intelligent approach for automatic stress level assessment based on multiple physiological parameters monitoringRibeiro, G.; Postolache, O.; Martin, F. F.ArticleOpen Access
2023Railways passengers comfort evaluation through motion parameters: A systematic reviewSilva, P.; Ribeiro, D.; Gabriel, J.; Seabra, E. A. R.; Postolache, O.ReviewOpen Access
2023The association between childhood obesity and cardiovascular changes in 10 years using special data science analysisCordeiro, J.; Mosca, S.; Correia-Costa, A.; Ferreira, C.; Pimenta, J.; Correia-Costa, L.; Barros, H.; Postolache, O.ArticleOpen Access
2023Quantum error correction via noise guessing decodingCruz, D.; Monteiro, F. A.; Coutinho, B. C.ArticleOpen Access
2023Joint beamforming algorithm for multi-stream MIMO systems assisted by multiple reconfigurable intelligent surfacesSouto, N.; Silva, J.ArticleOpen Access
2024A framework to support Robotic Process AutomationFarinha, D.; Pereira, R.; Almeida, R.ArticleOpen Access
5-May-2020Interplay between the Weibel instability and the Biermann battery in realistic laser-solid interactionsShulka, N.; Schoeffler, K.; Boella, E.; Vieira, J.; Fonseca, R.; Silva, L. O.ArticleOpen Access
2023The expression of hate speech against Afro-descendant, Roma, and LGBTQ+ communities in YouTube commentsCarvalho, P.; Caled, D.; Silva, C.; Batista, F.; Ribeiro, R.ArticleOpen Access
2023Individual dynamic capabilities influential factors in blockchain technology innovation from hospital settingsPesqueira, A. M.; Sousa, M.; Pereira, R.ArticleOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 273