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Author(s): Fernandes, S.
Ferreira, D. S.
Date: 2023
Title: Portugal in the nuclear realm: A case of broad ‘multilateralization’
Journal title: International Politics
Volume: N/A
Reference: Fernandes, S., & Ferreira, D. S. (2023). Portugal in the nuclear realm: A case of broad ‘multilateralization’. International Politics.
ISSN: 1384-5748
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1057/s41311-023-00535-8
Keywords: Nuclear weapons
Abstract: Nuclear proliferation and nuclear disarmament have regained centrality in the global security agenda. The weakening of existing regimes and the search by a growing number of states to acquire or extend their nuclear capacities have contributed to shape recent developments. This paper analyses how Portugal’s foreign policy orientations, grounded on its Euro-Atlantic identity with a global vocation and a colonial past, matter in defining its nuclear policies. We argue that while processes of ‘Europeanisation’ and ‘NATO-isation’ explain their adoption, Portuguese nuclear policies are better explained by the country’s broader multilateralist approach to security.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CEI-RI - Artigos em revista científica internacional com arbitragem científica

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