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Author(s): Rodrigues, D. L.
de Visser, R.
Lopes, D.
Balzarini, R. N.
Prada, M.
Garrido, M. V.
Date: 22-Feb-2022
Title: Study 1a: Regulatory focus differences in sexual health knowledge and behavior
Reference: Rodrigues, D. L., de Visser, R., Lopes, D., Balzarini, R. N., Prada, M., & Garrido, M. V. (2022, February 22). Study 1a: Regulatory Focus Differences in Sexual Health Knowledge and Behavior.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Abstract: Syntaxes and Supplementary Material
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-DI - Dados de Investigação
Iscte-DI - Dados de Investigação

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