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Author(s): Wanner, Franz
Advisor: Carvalho, Clara
Date: 22-Nov-2023
Title: Analyzing the impact of a social businesses (AGT's) sustainable development project through green energy in rural Senegal and its contribution to the SDGs: A comparative study with EU strategies
Reference: Wanner, F. (2023). Analyzing the impact of a social businesses (AGT's) sustainable development project through green energy in rural Senegal and its contribution to the SDGs: A comparative study with EU strategies [Dissertação de mestrado, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório Iscte.
Keywords: Development policies
Energy policies
Sustentabilidade -- Sustainability
Rural areas
Abstract: The global community is currently grappling with the challenges posed by the climate crisis, and the African continent stands particularly vulnerable to its impacts. Nations like Senegal continue to face issues related to underdevelopment, particularly in rural regions. This study illuminates that individuals aspire for personal advancement, yet the foundation for this progress rests upon securing access to fundamental necessities. Addressing these concerns, Africa GreenTec (AGT), a social enterprise, has taken on the vital mission of providing sustainable electricity to rural areas. Simultaneously, the EU is committed to improving neighbouring continent's quality of life, mostly through large-scale renewable energy projects. This study undertakes a comparative analysis of the distinct approaches in Senegal taken by the EU and AGT in pursuit of the United Nations' SDGs. Remarkably, EU projects, due to their large-scale financing and planning, often fall short of precisely targeting the SDGs and sometimes exhibit a superficial commitment to these objectives. In contrast, AGT commences their work at the root of the predicament by electrifying villages lacking access to the national power grid. Nonetheless, field research reveals that challenges arise in coordinating efforts with local populations, resulting in inefficiencies during implementation that only partially address the intended SDGs. This study sheds light on the divergent paths pursued by the EU and social enterprises in aligning with the SDGs, uncovering the complexities and nuances associated with their respective methodologies. The findings underscore the need for more holistic and integrated approaches to effectively address the multifaceted challenges faced by rural Senegal.
Department: Departamento de História
Degree: Mestrado em Estudos Internacionais
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Restricted Access
Appears in Collections:T&D-DM - Dissertações de mestrado

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