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Author(s): Arriaga, Patrícia
Gaspar, Augusta
Esteves, Francisco
Date: 2011
Title: Playing with violence: an updated review on the effects of playing violent electronic games
ISBN: 978-1-60960-567-4
Keywords: Electronic games
Abstract: This chapter intends to contribute to the clarification of the controversy surrounding the short-term effects of playing violent games [VG] on aggressive and prosocial behavior, aggressive thoughts, feelings, and physiological measures. An updated review of research on the effects of playing VG on the main variables under analysis is reviewed and some theoretical approaches, as well as methodological concerns, are addressed. Finally, questions that remain unanswered are discussed and future areas of research in this area are suggested.
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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