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Author(s): Cardoso, G.
Lapa, T.
Editor: Paul G. Nixon
Vassiliki N. Koutrakou
Date: 2007
Title: ‘Alt-Tab’: From ICTs to organisational innovation in Portugal
Book title/volume: E-Government in Europe: Re-Booting the State
Pages: 152 - 170
Collection title and number: Routledge Advances in European Politics;
Reference: Cardoso, G., & Lapa, T. (2007). ‘Alt-Tab’: From ICTs to organisational innovation in Portugal. Em P. G. Nixon, & V. N. Koutrakou (Eds.). E-Government in Europe: Re-Booting the State (pp. 152-170). Routledge. 10.4324/9780203962381
ISBN: 9780203962381
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.4324/9780203962381
Abstract: This book traces the development of e-government and its applications across Europe, exploring the effects of information and communication technology (ICTs) upon political action and processes. Explores a range of concepts and topics underpinning e-government in Europe: the degree to which e-government translates into genuine reform of government and public administration the dual role of the EU as both a provider of e-government through its own internal activities and also as a facilitator or aggregator in the way it seeks to engender change and promote its ethos in member states across the EU cyberterrorism and its use both by terrorists and governments to pursue political agendas. Featuring in-depth case studies on the progress of e-government in the UK, France, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia, Hungary, and Estonia. These case studies address the above issues, whilst at the same time highlighting commonality and diversity in practice and the paradox between top-down strategies and the effort to engage wider civil participation via e-government. e-Government in Europe will be of interest to students and scholars of public policy, politics, media and communication studies, computing and information and communications technologies and European studies.
Peerreviewed: no
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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