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Author(s): Oliveira, A.
Editor: Paula Guerra
Date: 2015
Title: 'We are one voice!': A brief history of Portuguese hardcore and straight edge movement: Protagonists, core values and DIY ethos
Book title/volume: On the road to the American underground
Pages: 91 - 115
Reference: Oliveira, A. (2015). 'We are one voice!': A brief history of Portuguese hardcore and straight edge movement: Protagonists, core values and DIY ethos. EM P. Guerra (Eds.). On the road to the American underground (pp. 91-115). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras.
ISBN: 978-989-8648-50-1
Abstract: Hardcore and straight edge are specific subcultures within the punk movement with special relevance in Portugal in the 90s and 2000s. In this article we propose to describe how this scene appeared in Portugal, who are its main protagonists, which are the core values of this subculture and how important is the do it yourself ethos to the development of hardcore and straight edge scene and to its members. The analysis we present here is based on semi-structured interviews with six of the most important actors of Portuguese hardcore.
Peerreviewed: no
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CLN - Capítulos de livros nacionais

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