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Author(s): Schmidt, L.
Prista, P.
Saraiva, T.
Gomes, C.
Date: 2011
Title: Practices and cultures of adaptive governance for rapidly eroding Portuguese coastlines
Book title/volume: ESA 10th Conference. Social Relations in Turbulent Times. Abstract Book
Pages: 273
Event title: ESA 10th Conference
Reference: Schmidt, L., Prista, P., Saraiva, T., & Gomes, C. (2011). Practices and cultures of adaptive governance for rapidly eroding Portuguese coastlines. In ESA 10th Conference. Social Relations in Turbulent Times. Abstract Book (p. 273). European Sociological Association.
ISBN: 2-940386-18-8978-2
Abstract: Portuguese coasts, which are among the most energetic and eroded coastal stretches in Europe, have experienced intense urban and tourist pressure over the last decades. 80% of the coastal population and 85% of GDP are concentrated on coastal stretches. 50% of the urban areas are located within 13km of the coastline, and coastal erosion reaches retreats over 220m in the last 50 years.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CRIA-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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