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Author(s): Costa, P.
Tomaz, E.
Perestrelo, M.
Lopes, R., V.
Editor: Maria Assunção Gato
Pierre Guibentif
Date: 2022
Title: Acknowledging the multidimensionality of value creation in cultural activities: an impact self assessment toolkit
Book title/volume: Entre transições: retrospetivas – transversalidades – perspetivas
Pages: 157 - 172
Reference: Costa, P., Tomaz, E., Perestrelo, M., & Lopes, R., V. (2022). Acknowledging the multidimensionality of value creation in cultural activities: an impact self assessment toolkit. EM Maria Assunção Gato, Pierre Guibentif (Eds.). Entre transições: retrospetivas – transversalidades – perspetivas (pp. 157-172). DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte.
ISBN: 978-989-781-615-4
Keywords: Criação de valor -- Value creation
Multidimensionality of value
Impact assessment
Cultural activities
Abstract: The question of value and its measurability has been always central in the study of social and economic practices, including cultural activities. However, contemporary structural changes related to the emergence of cognitive-cultural capitalism bring new forms of cultural production, consumption and mediation that challenge the analysis of cultural activities’ value(s). Despite the recognition of multidimensionality of its value, impacts of cultural activities are still often underestimated, and evaluation exercises have difficulties in including the diversity of dimensions of value created by these activities, in economic, social, cultural, environmental or participatory terms. Combining work developed in different research projects, this paper addresses value creation processes in culture and proposes a new conceptual and analytical approach to assess the impact of cultural activities in a given territory. A multidimensional impact assessment method, (co)developed with actors in creative field, is proposed, provided through a toolkit for (self)evaluation of value(s) generated by cultural institutions.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CLN - Capítulos de livros nacionais

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