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Author(s): Goddek S.
Kotzen B.
Dos-Santos, M. J. P. L.
Joyce, A.
Editor: Simon Goddek
Alyssa Joyce
Benz Kotzen
Gavin M. Burnell
Date: 2019
Title: Aquaponics and global food challenges
Book title/volume: Aquaponics food production systems: Combined aquaculture and hydroponic production technologies for the future
Pages: 3 - 17
Reference: Goddek S., Kotzen B., Dos-Santos, M. J. P. L., & Joyce, A. (2019). Aquaponics and global food challenges. EM Simon Goddek, Alyssa Joyce, Benz Kotzen, Gavin M. Burnell (Eds.). Aquaponics food production systems: Combined aquaculture and hydroponic production technologies for the future (pp.3-17). Springer. 10.1007/978-3-030-15943-6_1
ISBN: 978-3-030-15943-6
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1007/978-3-030-15943-6_1
Keywords: Aquaponics
Agricultura -- Agriculture
Planetary boundaries
Food supply chain
Abstract: As the world’s population grows, the demands for increased food production expand, and as the stresses on resources such as land, water and nutrients become ever greater, there is an urgent need to find alternative, sustainable and reliable methods to provide this food. The current strategies for supplying more produce are neither ecologically sound nor address the issues of the circular economy of reducing waste whilst meeting the WHO’s Millennium Development Goals of eradicating hunger and poverty by 2015. Aquaponics, a technology that integrates aquaculture and hydroponics, provides part of the solution. Although aquaponics has developed considerably over recent decades, there are a number of key issues that still need to be fully addressed, including the development of energy-efficient systems with optimized nutrient recycling and suitable pathogen controls. There is also a key issue of achieving profitability, which includes effective value chains and efficient supply chain management. Legislation, licensing and policy are also keys to the success of future aquaponics, as are the issues of education and research, which are discussed across this book.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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