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Author(s): Costa Agarez, R.
Date: 2021
Title: The unfinished business of regionalism and tradition in Portuguese modern architecture
Volume: 2021
Number: 2
Pages: 100 - 103
Reference: Costa Agarez (2021). The unfinished business of regionalism and tradition in Portuguese modern architecture. Arkkitehti Finnish Architectural Review, 2, 100-103.
ISSN: 0783-3660
Abstract: To turn the witchcraft against the wizard, which is much more useful than creating one’s own witchcrafts.” This was how Victor Palla, a Lisbon-based architect, described in 1949 his (post-war) generation’s strategy to address concerns with built environment traditions in conservative, dictatorship-led Portugal: tradition’s strength should be acknowledged, and competent designers would “derive from it a means of defence for modern architecture”. Such was the actual importance of tradition.
Peerreviewed: no
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-OP - Outras publicações

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