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Author(s): Tan Xinting
Advisor: António, Nelson
Date: 24-Nov-2021
Title: Exploring effective realization forms of villagers' autonomy in China and its implications for health governance at the grassroots level
Reference: Tan Xinting (2021). Exploring effective realization forms of villagers' autonomy in China and its implications for health governance at the grassroots level [Tese de doutoramento, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório do Iscte.
ISBN: 978-989-781-647-5
Keywords: Autonomy focus shifting downwards
Villagers' autonomy
Governance theory
Autonomia das vilas
Abstract: Through practice and development since the 1990s, villagers' autonomy has been continuously improved nationwide through practice, and has achieved remarkable results. It has accumulated a lot of practical experience in the development of rural grassroots democracy. However, there are also problems such as small function of villagers' autonomy and low enthusiasm of villagers, which will hinder the in-depth and long-term development of villagers' autonomy. This thesis mainly takes Qingyuan city as an example. It introduced the city's innovative practice of establishing an autonomous organization at the natural village level and shifting the focus of villagers' autonomy. During the research process, we first reviewed some related literatures on stakeholders and governance theory, then conducted interview research. Nvivo11.0 software was used to conducted qualitative analysis to find out the main stakeholders of villagers' autonomy, then, we proposed countermeasures to further improve the development of villagers' autonomy that shifted the center of gravity downward from the perspective of stakeholders, which will play a more active role in promoting the development of villagers' autonomy.
Desde os anos de 1990 que o desenvolvimento e aprofundamento da autonomia das vilas chinesas tem sido um processo contínuo baseado na prática. O processo tem, ao longo dos anos, acumulado uma vasta experiência respeitante à implementação da democracia na base. Contudo, existem ainda alguns problemas, tais como a amplitude da autonomia das vilas e o pouco entusiasmo dos habitantes, o que no longo prazo pode prejudicar o aprofundamento da autonomia. Esta tese selecionou a cidade de Qingyuan como objeto de estudo. Investiga as práticas utilizadas para estabelecer uma organização autónoma ao nível da vila, focando-se na autonomia dos habitantes. A pesquisa adoptou a metodologia qualitativa, entrevistas semiestruturadas aos intervenientes no processo de implementação da autonomia e utilizou o software Nvivo11.0 para analisar os dados. O estudo isolou os stakeholders principais e propõe algumas medidas que colocam os stakeholders no centro do processo de melhoria e da autonomia das vilas.
Degree: Doutoramento em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:T&D-TD - Teses de doutoramento

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