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Author(s): Garcia Ruiz, M.
Nofre, J.
Date: 2021
Title: Proceedings. II International Conference on Night Studies
Event title: 2nd International Conference on Night Studies
ISBN: 978-972-8048-68-6
Keywords: Night studies
Night archaeology
Urban studies
Urban management
Abstract: Night Studies is a transdisciplinary field with works from different social and human sciences. Topics are very wide, and they cover a good number of geographical and social contexts, formal and informal practices, and behaviours. In this second edition, we pay attention to the current pandemic, but we encourage works reflecting on other issues related to the night. The current pandemic has highlighted the importance of invisible workers such as garbage collectors, transporters, emergency doctors and other professions who dedicate their nights to guarantee the well-being and the smooth functioning of life in society. But, it has also put other professionals related to the nightlife, food and beverage sector and workers in the cultural industry in check. With the emergency lockdown dictated by the different governments came the end of the social night. Consumption patterns changed, favouring the rise of a more precarious circular market. Job insecurity increased in every sector, but the industries associated with the night were devastated. The patrons of cultural activities turned to their online adaptations, as well as many arts and leisure professionals adapted their activity to streaming content (meanwhile, some were forced to change their profession or hibernate, waiting for the next night normality). The nights in the times of COVID-19 meant the reduction of the groups; and the physical distancing, digital proximity. However, some resistances have emerged, in form of informal gatherings occupying both public and private spaces during nighttime hours –e.g., raves, parallel party scenes or intimate parties between adults. Overnight enforcement, (bio)surveillance, and public security would gain new meaning during the pandemic. Also, this locked night required a new way for policing and managing the cities, finding different models and propositions. There are many different ways to approach the night and many issues that could be addressed in this conference. We invite all researchers, professionals, and artists to participate with their outstanding work. The 2nd International Conference on Night Studies was an international event that aimed to echo frontier research, artistic works and professional practices related to the study of the urban night in multiple contexts worldwide. This event aimed to be a platform for sharing ongoing or recent research, open a critical and interdisciplinary debate, and boost e-networking, bringing together academia and society. ICNS is a collaborative effort of the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), the Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA), the Institute of Sociology – University of Porto (ISUP) and the LXNIGHTS Network.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-AC - Atas de congresso/Proceedings (organização, edição literária, ...)

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