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Author(s): Lopes, S. S.
Borges, J. C.
Fernandes, R. del P.
Marat-Mendes, T.
Editor: Milheiro, A. V., Rodrigues, I. L., Serrazina, B., Silva, L. M., and DINÂMIA’CET
Date: 2021
Title: Rediscovering modern ‘civil architecture’: The case of Bela Vista neighbourhood in Setúbal
Pages: 88 - 94
Event title: Optimistic Suburbia 2 – International Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 978-989-781-550-8
Keywords: Suburban estate
Public mass-housing
Socio-spatial multidimensionality
Bela Vista neighbourhood
‘civil architecture’
Abstract: Suburban mass-housing became commonplace in Portuguese cities during the twentieth century, particularly in the metropolitan areas. Research into the current conditions of such suburbs is increasingly important, as challengesfacing metropolitan cities continue to evolve and demand for sustainable change. Here, we observe the urban process of a particular case-study –the Bela Vista neighbourhood in Setúbal, planned by José Charters Monteiro as ‘civil architecture’. What aspects defined its urban design and what role can the territory play in improving Bela Vista in the future? Moreover, the urban and architectural forms of Bela Vista underwent a period of disbelief, deserving today a closer look. Can its intended ‘civil architecture’ and the later civic engagement promote urban regeneration and social-territorial cohesion?Anchored on a morphological and ecological perception, we aim to disclose the key transformations of this planned suburb, assessing how it can continue to change towards a more just and sustainable future.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:DINÂMIA'CET-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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