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Author(s): Pusceddu, A. M.
Loperfido, G.
Narotzky, S.
Date: 2021
Title: The everyday states of austerity: Politics and livelihoods in Europe
Volume: 8
Number: 3
Pages: 7 - 23
ISSN: 2281-4043
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.14672/ada202118257-23
Abstract: This special issue addresses how working people in Southern Europe engage with austerity state formations. We argue that in order to look at people’s responses to austerity, one cannot avoid delving into the ways people engage with state formations and the co-production of state functions, material relations and ideological configurations. Whether imposed by supranation-al institutions or voluntarily endorsed by a national elite, austerity politics were concretely implemented and legitimated by state institutions, making the austerity–state nexus a “critical junction” of social reproduction (Kalb and Tak 2006).
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CRIA-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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