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Author(s): Nico, M.
Carvalho, D.
Date: 2018
Title: Youth employment policies in Portugal
ISSN: 2504-7159
ISBN: 978-9949-29-413-8
Abstract: Before analysing more straightforwardly the following figure and table, a brief but more comprehensive contextualization of the research, media and policy state of play in Portugal is needed. In Portugal, as happens in many other Europe an countries, Youth Studies and other research focused on Young people are predominantly dealt by sociology of youth (albeit some areas such as education and values are shared with other disciplines, such as educational sciences and psychology respectively). Although youth studies are understood as an area potentially interdisciplinary, the roots are well integrated in the sociological field, as it constitutes, moreover, one of the long lasting classics sociological topics in Portugal (Machado, 2009).
Peerreviewed: no
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-WP - Working papers

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