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Author(s): Quejada, Andrea Celine C.
Advisor: Gradovski, Mikhail
Date: 12-Jun-2017
Title: Beliefs, values and experiences of Filipino Christian parents in Norway
Reference: Quejada, A. C. C. (2017). Beliefs, values and experiences of Filipino Christian parents in Norway [Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade de Stavanger]. Repositório do Iscte.
Keywords: Filipino immigrant parents
Christian parenting
Abstract: Filipinos are all over the world, and a considerable number have been residing in Norway. However, most studies on Filipino immigrant parents place emphasis on the well-being of migrant children or have been situated in the United States. A study that fully intended to highlight parents in the process of shifting contexts was then found necessary. Upon an encounter with Filipino parents attending a Christian church in Norway, this study is aimed to determine the parenting beliefs, values and experiences of these parents and to analyze how particular parenting beliefs, values and experiences of four Filipino Christian parents interrelate. This study is a qualitative instrumental case study by design. To acquire data to answer three research questions, a group interview has been used. In addition, one-on-one interviews were conducted in order to acquire more detailed information on the parenting beliefs and values and to validate the data from the group interview. The results of this study showed the existence of eight major themes on parenting beliefs and values and four major themes on parenting experiences. There were also seven interrelations between these parenting beliefs, values and experiences. Lastly, this research established that the Filipino Christian parents in Norway manifest strengths not just as individuals, parents or migrants but also as a group. Placed together in a group, it was strongly evident that such a set-up allowed them to support, respect and help each other.
Degree: Mestrado em Erasmus Mundus em Serviço Social com Famílias e Crianças
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:T&D-DM - Dissertações de mestrado

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