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Author(s): Cândido, Ana Filipa
Date: Jul-2018
Title: Portuguese skilled migration in DIOC 2010/11
Collection title and number: OEm Fact Sheets
Reference: Cândido, A. F. (2018). Portuguese skilled migration in DIOC 2010/11. (OEm Fact Sheets No. 08). Observatório da Emigração, CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL.
ISSN: 2183-4385
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.15847/CIESOEMFS082018
Keywords: Skilled migration
Abstract: According to the data of DIOC 2010/11 (Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries), there were one million and 400 thousand Portuguese emigrants in OECD countries. Regarding educational attainment, the majority of Portuguese emigrants had a low level of education, namely in the countries which had the highest stock of migrants. Nevertheless, it is possible to verify a progressive qualification of the emigrants according to the duration of stay. An increase in the number of Portuguese emigrants which have a high level of education has been recorded when the duration of stay is more recent, i.e., one year or less. Thereby, the recent emigration tends to be a more skilled one.
Peerreviewed: no
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:OEM-CIES - R - Relatórios

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