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Author(s): Gomes, O.
Date: 2015
Title: Sentiment cyclicality
Volume: 9
Number: 2
Pages: 104 - 134
ISSN: 1802-4696
Keywords: Sentiments
Animal spirits
Business cycles
Rumor propagation
New-Keynesian macroeconomics
Optimized rationality
Abstract: The paper investigates the dynamics of a model of sentiment switching. The model is built upon rumor propagation theory and it is designed to uncover, for a given population, the social process through which optimistic individuals might become pessimistic or the other way around. The outcome is a scenario of perpetual motion with the shares of optimistic and pessimistic agents varying persistently over time. On a second stage, the cyclical sentiments setup is attached to a mechanism of formation of expectations based on the notion of optimized rationality, leading to a description of the macro economy in which aggregate output and inflation exhibit sentiment driven fluctuations. The proposed model contributes to a recent strand of macroeconomic literature that recovers the Keynesian notions of animal spirits, market sentiments and waves of optimism and pessimism.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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