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Author(s): Goulão, Miguel
Brito e Abreu, Fernando
Date: 2005
Title: Formal Definition of Metrics Upon the CORBA Component Model
Volume: 3712
Pages: 88-105
ISSN: 10.1007/11558569_8
ISBN: 3-540-29033-8
Abstract: Objective: In this paper, we present a formalization of the definition of metrics to assess quality attributes of CORBA components and assemblies. The focus is on the formalization technique, rather than on the evaluation of the metrics themselves. Method: We represent a component assembly as an instantiation of the CORBA Component Model metamodel. The resulting meta-object diagram can then be traversed using Object Constraint Language clauses. With these clauses, we construct a formal and executable definition of the metrics. Results: We demonstrate the expressiveness of our technique by formally de fining metrics proposed informally by several authors on different aspects of components and assemblies’ quality attributes. Conclusion: Providing a formal and executable definition of metrics for CORBA components and assemblies is an enabling precondition to allow for independent scrutiny of such metrics, which is, in turn, essential to increase practitioners’ confidence on predictable quality attributes.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Embargoed Access
Appears in Collections:CTI-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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