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Author(s): Capucha, L.
Calado, A.
Estêvão, P.
Date: Jul-2016
Title: Report on gender aspects of household resilience: portuguese national report
Keywords: Resilience
Gender practices
Gender regimes
Abstract: The current report follows the guidelines for Work Package 11 – Report on Migration, Ethnicity and Resilience – of the RESCuE project. The first chapter of the report offers a brief historical account of the migratory phenomena that have had Portugal has its origin or destination. We will then proceed to present some data regarding the current situation of immigrants and minorities in Portugal, with emphasis on public policy for prevention of racial discrimination, the racism in Portuguese political culture and an overview of indicators of racial inequalities in Portuguese society.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-RT - Relatórios técnicos

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