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Author(s): Gonzalez, C.
Soares, I.
Esteves, F. G.
Date: 2012
Title: Attachment insecurity and strategies for regulation: when emotion triggers attention
Volume: 53
Number: 1
Pages: 9-16
ISSN: 0036-5564
Keywords: Insecure attachment
Attentional bias
Abstract: Attachment-related strategies are thought to be critical for regulation and processing of emotional information. This study examined biases in selectiveattention to emotional stimuli as a function of insecure attachment. Participants searched for a single target image preceded by to-be-ignored distractersdepicting emotional images varying in valence and arousal. Results revealed that, in general, negative distracters affected accuracy levels, and that the anx-ious attached participants showed a clear interference of the emotional distracters. In contrast, the avoidant group evinced a higher control on such interfer-ence. In addition, arousal ratings to distracter images indicated superior emotional activation only for anxious attached participants. Consistent with theevolutionary-based attachment theory threat-related stimuli prompted priority attentional responses. Present findings are in line with evidence showing thedeployment of distinct strategies in insecurely attached individuals for the regulation of attention to emotional information.
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Embargoed Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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