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Mostrar resultados 7-26 de 49. < anterior   próximo >
2018Catching up with wonderful women: the women-are-wonderful effect is smaller in more gender egalitarian societiesKuba, K.; Capaldi, C.; van Tilburg, W.; Lipp, O. V.; Bond, M. H.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Manickam, L. S. S.; Dominguez-Espinosa, A.; Torres, T; Lun, V. M.-C.; Teyssier, J.; Miles, L. K.; Hansen, K.; Park, J.; Wagner, W.; Yu, A. A.; Xing, C.; Wise, R.; Sun, C.-R.; Siddiqui, R. S.; Salem, R.; Rizwan, M.; Pavlopoulos, V.; Nader, M.; Maricchiolo, F.; Malbran, M.; Javangwe, G.; Isik, I.; Igbokwe, D. O.; Hur, T.; Hassan, A.; Gonzalez, A.; Fulop, M.; Denoux, P.; Cenko, E.; Chkhaidze, A.; Shmeleva, E.; Antalíkova, R.; Ahmed, R. A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countriesConroy-Beam, D.; Buss, D. M.; Asao, K; Sorokowska, A.; Sorokowski, P.; Aavik, T.; Akello, G.; Alhabahba, M. M.; Alm, C.; Amjad, N.; Anjum, A.; Marco Antonio Correa Varella; Vauclair, C.-M.; Luis Diego Vega; Dwi Ajeng Widarini; Gyesook Yoo; Marta Zaťková; Maja Zupančič; Atama, C. S.; Duyar, D. A.; Ayebare, R.; Batres, C.; Bendixen, M.; Bensafia, A.; Bizumic, B.; Boussena, M.; Butovskaya, M.; Can, S.; Cantarero, K.; Carrier, A.; Cetinkaya, H.; Croy, I.; Cueto, R. M.; Czub, M.; Dronova, D.; Dural, S; Duyar, I; Ertugrul, B; Espinosa, A.; Estevan, I.; Esteves, C.; Fang, L.; Frackowiak, T.; Garduño, J. C.; González, K. U.; Guemaz, F.; Petra Gyuris; Mária Halamová; Iskra Herak; Marina Horvat; Ivana Hromatko; Chin-Ming Hui; Jas Laile Jaafar; Feng Jiang; Konstantinos Kafetsios; Tina Kavčič; Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair; Kervyn, N.; Ha Truong Thi Khanh; Imran Ahmed Khilji; Nils C. Köbis; Hoang Moc Lan; András Láng; Georgina R. Lennard; Ernesto León; Torun Lindholm; Trinh Thi Linh; Giulia Lopez; Nguyen Van Luot; Alvaro Mailhos; Zoi Manesi; Rocio Martinez; Sarah L. McKerchar; Norbert Meskó; Girishwar Misra; Conal Monaghan; Emanuel C. Mora; Alba Moya-Garófano; Bojan Musil; Jean Carlos Natividade; Agnieszka Niemczyk; George Nizharadze; Elisabeth Oberzaucher; Anna Oleszkiewicz; Mohd Sofian Omar-Fauzee; Ike E. Onyishi; Baris Özener; Ariela Francesca Pagani; Vilmante Pakalniskiene; Miriam Parise; Farid Pazhoohi; Annette Pisanski; Katarzyna Pisanski; Edna Ponciano; Camelia Popa; Pavol Prokop; Rizwan, M.; Mario Sainz; Svjetlana Salkičević; Ruta Sargautyte; Ivan Sarmány-Schuller; Susanne Schmehl; Shivantika Sharad; Razi Sultan Siddiqui; Franco Simonetti; Stanislava Yordanova Stoyanova; Meri TadinacArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Covid-19 lockdown loneliness and mental health: The mediating role of basic need satisfaction across different age groupsvan der Sloot, R.; Vauclair, C.-M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2014Cultural conceptions of morality: examining laypeople’s associations of moral characterVauclair, C.-M.; Wilson, M.; Fischer, R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018Doddering but dear … even in the eyes of young children? Age stereotyping and prejudice in childhood and adolescenceVauclair, C.-M.; Rodrigues, R. B.; Marques, S.; Esteves, C. S.; Santos, F.; Gerardo, F.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017Does contextual change affect basic human values? A dynamic comparative multilevel analysis across 32 European countriesTormos, R.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Dobewall, H.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
2014The EURAGE Group: examining ageing and ageism in context through the European Social SurveyVauclair, C.-M.; Lima, M. L.; Marques, S.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
1-Set-2019Evidence for stereotype accommodation as an expression of immigrants’ socio-cognitive adaptationStanciu, A.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Rodda, N.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Family first: Evidence of consistency and variation in the value of family versus personal happiness across 49 different culturesKuba, K.; Yeung, J. C.; Haas, B. W.; van Osch, Y.; Kosiarczyk, A.; Kocimska-Zych, A.; Torres, T.; Selim, H. A.; Zelenski, J. M.; Bond, M. H.; Park, J.; Lun, V. M.-C.; Maricchiolo, F.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Teyssier, J.; Sun, C.-R.; Serdarevich, U.; Esteves, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2014imAGES: intervention program to prevent ageism in childrenMarques, S.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Rodrigues, R. B.; Mendonça, J.; Gerardo, F.; Cunha, F.; Sena, C.; Leitão, E.LivroAcesso Aberto
2017Income inequality and fear of crime across the European regionVauclair, C.-M.; Bratanova, B.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Instant messaging and relationship satisfaction across different ages and culturesVauclair, C.-M.; Rudnev, M.; Hofhuis, J.; Liu, J. H.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2016Investigating the human value “forgiveness” across 30 countries: a cross-cultural meta-analytical approachHanke, K.; Vauclair, C.-M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018The link between personal values and frequency of drinking depends on cultural values: a cross-level interaction approachRudnev, M.; Vauclair, C.-M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the worldSorokowska, A.; Kowal, M.; Saluja, S.; Aavik, T.; Alm, C.; Anjum, A.; Asao, K.; Batres, C.; Bensafia, A.; Bizumic, B.; Boussena, M.; Buss, D. M.; Butovskaya, M.; Can, S.; Carrier, A.; Cetinkaya, H.; Conroy-Beam, D.; Cueto, R. M.; Czub, M.; Esteves, C.; Vauclair, C.-M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017Measurement invariance of Personal Well-Being Index (PWI-8) across 26 countriesZemojtel-Piotrowska, M.; Piotrowski, J. P.; Cieciuch, J.; Adams, B. G.; Osin, E. N.; Ardi, R.; Baltatescu, S.; Bhomi, A. L.; Clinton, A.; de Clunie, G. T.; Esteves, C.; Gouveia, V.; Hosseini, A.; Ghaheh, H. S.; Khachatryan, N.; Kamble, S. V.; Kawula, A.; Liik, K.; Letovancova, E.; Malo Cerrato, S.; Mora, C. A.; Nartova-Bochaver, S.; Nikolic, M.; Park, J.; Paspalanova, E.; Pék, G.; Rózycka-Tran, J.; Truong Thi Khanh, H.; Tsubakita, T.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Wlodarczyk, A.; Maltby, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2020Measurement invariance of the moral vitalism scale across 28 cultural groupsRudnev, M.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Aminihajibashi, S.; Becker, M.; Bilewicz, M.; Castellanos Guevara, J. L.; Collier-Baker, E.; Crespo, C.; Eastwick, P.; Fischer, R.; Friese, M.; Gómez, Á.; Guerra, V.; Hanke, K.; Hooper, N.; Huang, L.-L.; Karasawa, M.; Kuppens, P.; Loughnan, S.; Peker, M.; Pelay, C.; Pina, A.; Sachkova, M.; Saguy, T.; Shi, J.; Silfver-Kuhalampi, M.; Sortheix, F.; Swann, W.; Tong, J.; Yeung, V. W.; Bastian, B.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018The mental health continuum-short form: the structure and application for cross-cultural studies-A 38 nation studyZemojtel-Piotrowska, M.; Piotrowskim J. P.; Osin, E. N.; Cieciuch, J.; Adams, B. G.; Ardi, R.; Baltatescu, S.; Bogomaz, S.; Bhomi, A. L.; Clinton, A.; de Clunie, G. T.; Czarna, A. Z.; Esteves, C.; Gouveia, V.; Halik, M. H. J.; Hosseini, A.; Khachatryan, N.; Kamble, S.V.; Kawula, A.; Lun, V. M.-C.; Ilisko, D.; Klicperova-Baker, M.; Liik, K.; Letovancova, E.; Cerrato, S. M.; Michalowski, J.; Malysheva, N.; Marganski, A.; Nikolic, M.; Park, J.; Paspalanova, E.; de Leon, P. P.; Pék, G.; Rozycka-Tran, J.; Samekin, A.; Shahbaz, W.; Khanh, H. T. T.; Tiliouine, H.; Hiel, A. L.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Wills - Herrera, E.; Wlodarczyk, A.; Yahiiaev, I.; Maltby, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countriesSorokowski, P.; Kowal, M.; Sternberg, R. J.; Aavik, T.; Akello, G.; Alhabahba, M. M.; Alm, C.; Amjad, N.; Anjum, A.; Asao, K.; Atama, C. S.; Duyar, D. A.; Ayebare, R.; Conroy-Beam, D.; Bendixen, M.; Bensafia, A.; Bizumic, B.; Boussena, M.; Buss, D. M.; Esteves, C.; Vauclair, C.-M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Multinational data show that conspiracy beliefs are associated with the perception (and reality) of poor national economic performanceHornsey, M. J.; Pearson, S.; Kang, J.; Sassenberg, K.; Jetten, J.; Van Lange, P. A. M.; Medina, L. G.; Amiot, C. E.; Ausmees, L.; Baguma, P.; Barry, O.; Becker, M.; Bilewicz, M.; Castelain, T.; Costantini, G.; Dimdins, G.; Espinosa, A.; Finchilescu, G.; Friese, M.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Bastian, B.ArtigoAcesso Aberto