Percorrer por autor Lopes, R. J.

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2015Quantitative measures of crowd patterns in agent-based models of street protestsLemos, C.; Lopes, R. J.; Hélder Coelho; Coelho, H.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
23-Abr-2019The role of hypernetworks as a multilevel methodology for modelling and understanding dynamics of team sports performanceRibeiro, J.; Davids, K.; Araújo, D.; Silva, P.; Ramos, J.; Lopes, R. J.; Garganta, J.ArtigoAcesso Embargado
2020Service quality in airport hotel chains through the lens of online reviewersMoro, S.; Lopes, R. J.; Esmerado, J.; Botelho, M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2016Shared affordances guide interpersonal synergies in sport teamsAraújo, D.; Ramos, J.; Lopes, R. J.Parte de LivroAcesso Aberto
2021The soccer game, bit by bit: An information-theoretic analysisPereira, L. R.; Lopes, R. J.; Louçã, J.; Araújo, D.; Ramos, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2020Syntgen: a system to generate temporal networks with user specified topologyPereira, L. R.; Louçã, J.; Lopes, R. J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
1-Jan-2019A taxonomy of community lifecycle events in temporal networksPereira, L. R.; Lopes, R. J.; Louçã, J.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2021Unfolding the dynamical structure of Lisbon’s public space: space syntax and micromobility dataAlmeida, H.; Lopes, R. J.; Carrilho, J.M.; Eloy, S.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
1-Jan-2017A unity-based framework for sound transmission and perception in video gamesCalado, J.; Santana, P.; Lopes, R. J.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2020Using optical tracking system data to measure team synergic behavior: Synchronization of player-ball-goal angles in a football matchDaniel, C.; Couceiro, M. S.; Brito, J.; Figueiredo, P.; Lopes, R. J.; Araújo, D.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018What’s next in complex networks? Capturing the concept of attacking play in invasive team sportsRamos, J.; Lopes, R. J.; Araújo, D.ArtigoAcesso Aberto