Browsing by Author Dello Russo, S.

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Showing results 10 to 18 of 18 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2016La gestione strategica delle Risorse Umane: implicazioni per il management sanitario da una rassegna sistematica della letteraturaDello Russo, S.; Angelozzi, D.ArticleOpen Access
2018Leader–member exchange (LMX) differentiation and work outcomes: conceptual clarification and critical reviewMartin, R.; Thomas, G.; Legood, A.; Dello Russo, S.ArticleOpen Access
2022Necessary work design characteristics for younger workers’ attitudes and behaviorsDello Russo, S.; Mirfakhar, A. S.; Zaniboni, S.; Antino, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2015Psychological capital intervention (PCI): a replication and extensionDello Russo, S.; Stoykova P.ArticleOpen Access
2017Reducing organizational politics in performance appraisal: the role of coaching leaders in appraising age-diverse employeesDello Russo, S.; Miraglia, M.; Borgogni, L.ArticleOpen Access
1-Aug-2022Stronger together: Positive relationships at workGrabarski, M. K.; Schneider, N.; Yadav, M.; Spreitzer, G. M.; Dello Russo, S.; Wang, K.; Wurtz, O.; Dimitrova, M.; Lazarova, M. B.; Legood, A.; Mirfakhar, A.; Mouratidou, M.; Ragins, B. R.; Shaffer, M. A.; Zhu, X.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2013The role of self-efficacy and job satisfaction on absences from workBorgogni, L.; Dello Russo, S.; Miraglia, M.; Vecchione, M.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2021What changes with coaching? Investigating within-person changes in reflection, the predicting role of implicit person theory and the effects on perceived utility of coachingFontes, A.; Dello Russo, S.ArticleOpen Access
2023What’s the narrative for practice? A review of recommendations on feedback and a guide to writing impactful practical implicationsDello Russo, S.; Mirfakhar, A. S.; Miraglia, M.ReviewOpen Access