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Author(s): Sonntag, Janna Eva
Advisor: Rita, Paulo
Brochado, Ana Margarida
Date: 2013
Title: Online marketing communication for a small guesthouse: Applied to the case of pension Sonntag
Reference: Sonntag, J. E. (2013). Online marketing communication for a small guesthouse: Applied to the case of pension Sonntag [Dissertação de mestrado, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório do Iscte.
Keywords: Hospitalidade - -- Hospitality
Media sociais -- Social media
Product review
Rede social -- Social network
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to give useful recommendations on how the guesthouse Pension Sonntag in Hamburg/Germany can improve its online communication, in order to overcome lower demand in the winter months. After defining the most important factors to consider in online communication through the review of recent literature, a questionnaire was developed to ask clients of the guesthouse and also potential clients about their habits on the internet related to searching for Pension Sonntag before booking /accommodations in general (in the case of the potential clients), reading and writing online product reviews and the use of social networks. The results indicate that interviewees generally search for accommodations online and product reviews take an important part in their decision making process. Though, relatively few people write reviews and get in contact with brands on social networks frequently. Based on the conclusions of the research, recommendations for improvement of the online communication of Pension Sonntag are made.
Degree: Mestrado em Finanças
Peerreviewed: Sim
Access type: Restricted Access
Appears in Collections:T&D-DM - Dissertações de mestrado

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