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Author(s): Dello Russo, S.
Duarte, H.
Editor: Michael Dickmann
Douglas Hall
Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Emma Parry
Date: 2023
Title: Agency and structure in career-related decisions: An example from the financial crisis in Portugal
Book title/volume: Understanding careers around the globe
Pages: 36 - 46
Reference: Dello Russo, S., & Duarte. H. (2023). Agency and structure in career-related decisions: An example from the financial crisis in Portugal. In M. Dickmann, D. Hall, W. Mayrhofer, & E. Parry (Eds.). Understanding careers around the globe (pp. 36-46). Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN: 9781035308415
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.4337/9781035308415.00011
Keywords: Agency
Boundaries and/or boundary crossing
Cultural and/or institutional
Fuga de cérebros -- Brain drain
Career success - objective
Transição laboral -- Career transition
Empregabilidade -- Employability
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-CLI - Capítulos de livros internacionais

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