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Author(s): Martins A. F.
Penela, D.
Cardoso, M. G. M. S.
Date: 2023
Title: Understanding the personality of Europe’s only world surfing reserve
Journal title: Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality
Volume: 18
Number: 2
Pages: 215 - 227
Reference: Martins A. F., Penela, D., & Cardoso, M. G. M. S. (2023). Understanding the personality of Europe’s only world surfing reserve. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 18(2), 215-227.
ISSN: 2752-6666
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1108/CBTH-05-2022-0115
Keywords: Tourist destination
Destination marketing
Destination branding
Destination personality
Sense of place
Abstract: Purpose: This study aims to uncover the destination personality of the World Surfing Reserve (WSR) in Europe, Ericeira, from local stakeholders’ perspectives; understand if WSR recognition influences the perception of destination personality; and understand if there is an alignment between the vision of the destination management Organization (DMO) and stakeholders in terms of destination personality. Design/methodology/approach: An extensive literature search was conducted to identify personality traits, which were then filtered and included in a survey of Ericeira's stakeholders and in a DMO interview. A principal components analysis enabled the identification of the most relevant personality traits. Findings: Cool, appealing and self-assured emerged as destination-specific personality traits of Ericeira, indicating that other similar destinations can consider them in future branding actions. The findings indicate that WSR recognition can be a determinant for local tourism but has no impact on destination personality as viewed by local stakeholders. Therefore, one can suggest that personality is embedded in a tourist destination and is somewhat resistant to external WSR recognition. In general, alignment was found between the views of the local stakeholders and the DMO. Originality/value: This study reinforces the literature on the importance of stakeholder involvement in place brand development. It also suggests that external recognition may have an impact on local tourism but has a limited impact on destination personality. Finally, this research constitutes a baseline for further studies on the destination personality traits of current and prospective
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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