Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/31124
Autoria: Ferreira, A. I.
Pereira, N.
Duarte, H.
Data: 2024
Título próprio: The different shades of co-working spaces: How culture change explains the market rules
Título da revista: Culture and Organization
Volume: 30
Número: 2
Paginação: 138 - 157
Referência bibliográfica: Ferreira, A. I., Pereira, N., & Duarte, H. (2024). The different shades of co-working spaces: How culture change explains the market rules. Culture and Organization, 30(2), 138-157. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2023.2258430
ISSN: 1475-9551
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1080/14759551.2023.2258430
Palavras-chave: Co-working
Organizational culture
Resumo: This study aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing a deeper understanding of the links between the multiple layers in organizational culture and the different Co-working characteristics. The research presented here develops a new taxonomy of Co-working spaces by integrating results from qualitative semi-structured interviews supported by previous theoretical and empirical research. We conducted interviews with 44 owners or founders of co-working spaces. A thematic analysis revealed three different approaches to co-working, namely a profit-oriented perspective, a community-oriented perspective and a hybrid pattern that combines both perspectives. Drawing upon the interaction models, our findings contribute to a better understanding of different Co-working cultures in an increasingly competitive market. Accordingly, future research should validate the proposed model with complimentary methodologies (e.g. questionnaires) and longitudinal designs to track how Co-working culture persists or changes over time.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Embargado
Aparece nas coleções:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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