Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/2721
Autoria: Afonso, Aline
Data: 17-Jun-2011
Título próprio: ‘We Create Minimum Conditions’: survival of the female market vendors of Luanda in the post-war
ISBN: 978-972-8335-21-2
Palavras-chave: Angola
Resumo: On the subject of Angola, this text aims to analyse the workflow of female vendors in the informal market of Luanda. The notion of gender and the correlation between gender and conflict will be briefly examined. The purpose is, deriving from the collected depositions, to find an interpretation of the behaviours and survival strategies development by these women in the post-war period, their entrance into credit systems and mutual aid. It was used as instruments of investigation in Luanda data compilation methods, direct observation, semi-structured inquiries and life stories narratives.
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CEI-CLN – Capítulos de livros nacionais

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