Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/22022
Autoria: Da Silva, R.
Fernández-Navarro, P.
Gonçalves, M. M.
Rosa, C.
Silva, J.
Data: 2019
Título próprio: Tracking narrative change in the context of extremism and terrorism: adapting the Innovative Moments Coding System
Volume: 47
Paginação: 204 - 214
ISSN: 1359-1789
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1016/j.avb.2019.05.002
Palavras-chave: Radicalisation
Risk assessment
Risk management
Resumo: Existing models of deradicalisation, countering violent extremism (CVE), and counter-terrorism (CT) have lacked a clear theory of change, as well as robust empirical methodologies. This paper proposes an empirically-based systematic and transparent methodology – the Innovative Moments Coding System (IMCS) – which is empirically sensitive, ethically defensible, and can be of use in the context of research to inform practitioner contexts. Through a case study of former violent militants, we explore the adaptation and usage of this instrument to identify and track self-narrative change in the processes of engagement and disengagement, as well as radicalisation and deradicalisation in the context of violent extremism and terrorism. We illustrate how this methodology has the potential to bring benefits to the work of researchers involved in producing guidelines for disengagement, deradicalisation or risk-reduction interventions.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CEI-RI - Artigos em revista científica internacional com arbitragem científica

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