Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/14580
Autoria: Jörgens, H.
Saerbeck, B.
Data: 2017
Título próprio: German interests and priorities in European environmental policy
Título e número da coleção: German European Policy Series
Referência bibliográfica: Jörgens, H. & Saerbeck, B. (2017). German interests and priorities in European environmental policy. German European Policy Series No 04/17.
ISSN: 2511-8129
Palavras-chave: Germany
European Union
National interest
Environmental policy
Climate change policy
Foreign policy
Resumo: This fourth paper in the German European Policy Series studies the typical interests which shape Germany’s environmental foreign policy in Europe: victim, polluter and third-party interests as well as the state's interest in a stronger role in international politics and its interest in shaping policy within the European Union. It demonstrates that Germany’s interests are diverse and characterised by interactions between the national and European policy levels , and how the country plays a particularly active role in European and international environmental policy when different types of foreign policy interests are combined. The paper concludes that Germany will likely extend its international activities in this area, both within the European Union and beyond in global negotiations, in the medium to long term.
Arbitragem científica: no
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CIES-WP - Working papers

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