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dc.contributor.advisorCarapinheiro, Graça-
dc.contributor.authorBaptista, Inês Maria da Silva-
dc.identifier.citationBaptista, I. M. da S. (2008). 112 – A estrela da vida: Como se planeia a intervenção da emergência médica pré-hospitalar em Portugal? [Dissertação de mestrado, Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório Iscte. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/1352pt-PT
dc.description.abstractA presente dissertação tem como objectivo desenvolver uma primeira aproximação sociológica à questão das emergências e do seu planeamento em Portugal, nomeadamente no interior do Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM). Pretende-se identificar as emergências tipo que são o objecto de trabalho desta instituição, bem como as formas de resposta perante cada uma delas e, nessas formas de resposta, descobrir os modelos de trabalho que estão associados, em termos dos seus protagonistas, dos recursos mobilizados e das instituições envolvidas. Tentar salvar vidas até ao limite dos recursos disponíveis, prestar auxílio com os meios e a diligência profissional adequados, transportar pessoas que se encontram entre a vida e a morte para a unidade de saúde mais próxima e de forma ajustada à resolução dos problemas, são os objectivos dos profissionais de saúde que se dispõem a trabalhar com o INEM. É através do recurso à técnica de observação directa que se pretende apreender os hábitos e rotinas desta instituição e dos profissionais que com ela colaboram, conhecer as suas técnicas de trabalho, as relações estabelecidas entre todos os seus intervenientes, que vão desde os técnicos, aos médicos, aos enfermeiros e à própria população. O que importa salientar é que o objecto de análise da investigação em causa diz respeito ao planeamento da intervenção sobre a emergência e/ou urgência, a partir do momento em que se acciona o 112. A realidade da emergência médica pré-hospitalar reflecte a imagem de uma sociedade em todas as suas vertentes: a do corpo e a dos profissionais. Na rua, o pensamento tem que ser rápido e automático Estão vidas em causa. O INEM, como organismo dotado de autonomia, deve adaptar-se às novas emergências, não só os acidentes de viação, mas também a novas situações de crise provocadas pela natureza e pelo homem.pt-PT
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation has as proposal to develop a first sociological approach to the emergency question and its planning in Portugal mainly inside Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM). It is necessary to identify the emergencies type that are the object work of this Institution as well as the promptly answer to each one of them, to discover the models that are associated in terms of their protagonists, mobilised resources and involved institutions. Trying to save lives till the limit of available resources to give assistance with means and professional diligence suitable, to transport people whom are between life and death to a closer health unit in such a way that problems should be resolved, these are the intentions of health professionals that pretend to work with INEM. It is through direct technical observation that we have to understand the custom and the routines of this Institution and its professionals that operate with it, to know its work technical, established relations between all their intervenient, which came from technical, doctors, nurses and even the population. What it is necessary to report, it is the analysis investigation object, it referred to the intervention plans about emergency and/or urgency, since the moment you dial 112. The reality of medical emergency pre-hospital reflects the image of a society in all its ways, one of human body and the other of professional people. At street, thoughts must be quicker and automatic. Human lives are in cause. The INEM, as an organization with autonomy, should adapt the new emergencies not only car accidents, but also new crisis situations caused by nature and man.-
dc.description.sponsorshipThe present dissertation has as proposal to develop a first sociological approach to the emergency question and its planning in Portugal mainly inside Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM). It is necessary to identify the emergencies type that are the object work of this Institution as well as the promptly answer to each one of them, to discover the models that are associated in terms of their protagonists, mobilised resources and involved institutions. Trying to save lives till the limit of available resources to give assistance with means and professional diligence suitable, to transport people whom are between life and death to a closer health unit in such a way that problems should be resolved, these are the intentions of health professionals that pretend to work with INEM. It is through direct technical observation that we have to understand the custom and the routines of this Institution and its professionals that operate with it, to know its work technical, established relations between all their intervenient, which came from technical, doctors, nurses and even the population. What it is necessary to report, it is the analysis investigation object, it referred to the intervention plans about emergency and/or urgency, since the moment you dial 112. The reality of medical emergency pre-hospital reflects the image of a society in all its ways, one of human body and the other of professional people. At street, thoughts must be quicker and automatic. Human lives are in cause. The INEM, as an organization with autonomy, should adapt the new emergencies not only car accidents, but also new crisis situations caused by nature and man.pt-PT
dc.title112 – A estrela da vida: Como se planeia a intervenção da emergência médica pré-hospitalar em Portugal?pt-PT
dc.subject.fosDomínio/Área Científica::Ciências Sociais::Sociologia-
thesis.degree.nameMestrado em Sociologia e Planeamento-
thesis.degree.departmentDepartamento de Sociologia-
Aparece nas coleções:T&D-DM - Dissertações de mestrado

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