Browsing by Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)
Showing results 39 to 58 of 58
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- Environmental engineering 86
- Materials engineering 47
- Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering 1
- Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering 953
- Mechanical engineering 31
- Medical engineering 11
- Chemical engineering 29
- Nano technology 5
- Other engineering and technology sciences 1235
- Humanities 30
- Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 559
- Philosophy, ethics and religion 82
- History and archaeology 396
- Languages and literature 68
- Other humanities 653
- ???jsp.display.subjectfos.economia??? 2
- ???jsp.display.subjectfos.gestão??? 1
- ???jsp.display.subjectfos.outras??? 1
- ???jsp.display.subjectfos.psic??? 1
- ???jsp.display.subjectfos.sociologia??? 1