Percorrer por Classificação PsycINFO 3300 Health, mental health treatment and prevention

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Mostrar resultados 105-117 de 117. < anterior 
11-Jul-2023The cultural roots of the Great Resignation: Testing the moderator effect of industryBensaude, Maria Ogando dos SantosDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
23-Nov-2020The impact of claims about sugar content on perceived healthfulness, calories and taste of food productsCoelho, Sofia Andreia Sanches SantosDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
11-Dez-2023The impact of playgroups for children and families: The role of dosage, quality and long-term effectsCerruti, Vanessa Sofia Ferreira de Carvalho Chamorro RussoTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
10-Dez-2018The relationship between significant other (in)validation responses and pain experiences: the mediating role of emotional regulationAlegrete, Joana Margarida dos SantosDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2011The role of individual and group level variables in healthcare profissionals' hand hygiene compliance: a multi-level perspectiveRoberto, Magda Sofia Valadas DominguezTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
30-Out-2019The Snow White effect: how food colour saturation impacts food likeability and perceived weightRocha, Maria Luís LeiteDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2014To whom do we communicate? stage tailoring and framing of health messages in the promotion of fruit and vegetable intakeGodinho, Cristina Isabel AlbuquerqueTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
16-Dez-2022Towards an integrated model: The joint effect of work shift design and organizational policies in preventing Shift Work DisorderValentim, Sofia de LimaDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
2013Unidade terapêutica: desenvolvimento de um programa residencial de intervenção com crianças e jovens com história de maus-tratosLopes, Fábio Júlio SerranoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
3-Dez-2018A utilização compulsiva do smartphone lado-a-lado com o burnoutBreia, Jéssica Filipa LucasDissertação de MestradoAcesso Aberto
26-Out-2022Validação da escala de suporte informal para a autonomia e dependência da dorRei, Alexandra Barbas PintoDissertação de MestradoAcesso Restrito
5-Jul-2021What is the influence of identity processes and group norms on healthcare professionals in relation to recommending cannabis to patients?O'Rourke, RebekahTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto
2012Where healthcare takes place: A route to patients well-beingAndrade, Cláudia Raquel CamposTese de DoutoramentoAcesso Aberto