Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2019 | Are tearful individuals perceived as less competent? Probably not | Zickfeld, J. H.; van de Ven, N.; Schubert, T. W.; Vingerhoets, A. | Article | Open Access |
2017 | The best loved story of all time: overcoming all obstacles to be reunited, evoking kama muta | Fiske, A. P.; Schubert, T. W.; Seibt, B. | Article | Open Access |
2013 | Caring for sharing: How attachment styles modulate communal cues of physical warmth | IJzerman, H.; Karremans, J. C.; Thomsen, L.; Schubert, T. W. | Article | Embargoed Access |
2023 | Commensality constitutes communalism: Producing emergent bonds in experimental small groups by sharing food and drink | Brito, R.; Waldzus, S.; Schubert, T. W.; Sekerdej, M.; Louceiro, A.; Simão, C. | Article | Open Access |
2015 | Conservatism is not the missing viewpoint for true diversity | Seibt, C.; Waldzus, S.; Schubert, T. W.; Brito, R. | Article | Open Access |
2009 | Control over the association of power and size | Schubert, T. W.; Waldzus, S.; Giessner, S. R. | Article | Open Access |
2019 | Data from the Human Penguin Project, a cross-national dataset testing social thermoregulation principles | Hu, C. P.; Yin, J. X.; Lindenberg, S.; Dalğar, I.; Weissgerber, S. C.; Vergara, R. C.; Cairo, A. H.; Čolić, M. V.; Dursun, P.; Frankowska, N.; Hadi, R.; Hall, C. J.; Hong, Y. K.; Joy-Gaba, J.; Lazarević, D.; Lazarević, L. B.; Parzuchowski, M.; Ratner, K. J.; Rothman, D.; Sim, S.; Simão, C.; Song, M. D.; Stojilović, D.; Blomster, J. K.; Brito, R.; Hennecke, M.; Jaume-Guazzini, F.; Schubert, T. W.; Schütz, A.; Seibt, B.; Zickfeld, J. H.; Jzerman, H. I. | Article | Open Access |
2017 | Empathic concern is part of a more general communal emotion | Zickfeld, J. H.; Schubert, T. W.; Seibt, C.; Fiske, A. P. | Article | Open Access |
2020 | Grounding of rank: embodiment, space, and magnitude | Schubert, T. W. | Article | Open Access |
2018 | The human penguin project: climate, social integration, and core body temperature | IJzerman, H.; Lindenberg, S.; Dalğa, I.; Weissgerber, S. C.; Vergara, R. C.; Cairo, A. H.; Čolić, M. V.; Dursun, P.; Frankowska, N.; Hadi, R.; Hall, C. J.; Hong, Y.; Hu, Chuan-Peng; Joy-Gaba, Jennifer; Lazarević, D.; Lazarević, L. B.; Parzuchowski´, M.; Ratner, K. G.; Rothman, D.; Sim, S.; Simão, C.; Song, M.; Stojilović, D.; Blomster, J.; Brito, R.; Hennecke, M.; Jaume-Guazzini, F.; Schubert, T. W.; Schütz, A.; Seibt, B.; Zickfeld, Janis H. | Article | Open Access |
2017 | Interpersonal closeness and morality predict feelings of being moved | Seibt, C.; Schubert, T. W.; Zickfeld, J. H.; Fiske, A. P. | Article | Open Access |
2015 | Judged and remembered trustworthiness of faces is enhanced by experiencing multisensory synchrony and asynchrony in the right order | Toscano, H.; Schubert, T. W. | Article | Open Access |
2014 | Judgments of dominance from the face track physical strength | Toscano, H.; Schubert, T. W.; Sell, A. N. | Article | Open Access |
2019 | Kama muta: conceptualizing and measuring the experience of being moved across 19 nations and 15 languages | Zickfeld, J. H.; Schubert, T. W.; Seibt, C.; Blomster, J.; Arriaga, P.; Basabe, N.; Blaut, A.; Caballero, A.; Carrera, P.; Dalgar, I.; Ding, Y.; Dumont, K.; Valerie, V.; Gracanin, A.; Gyenis, R.; Hu, C.-P.; Kardum, I.; Lazarevic, L. B.; Mathew, L.; Mentser, S.; Nussinson, R.; Onuki, M.; Páez, D.; Pásztor, A.; Peng, K.; Petrovic, B.; Pizarro, J.; Schönefeld, V.; Smieja, M.; Tokaji, A.; Vingerhoets, A.; Vorster, A.; Vuoskoski, J.; Zhu, L.; Fiske, A. P. | Article | Open Access |
2018 | Moment-to-moment changes in feeling moved match changes in closeness, tears, goosebumps, and warmth: time series analyses | Schubert, T. W.; Zickfeld, J. H.; Seibt, C.; Fiske, A. P. | Article | Open Access |
2016 | Physical strength as a cue to dominance: a data-driven approach | Toscano, H.; Schubert, T. W.; Dotsch, R.; Falvello, V.; Todorov, A. | Article | Embargoed Access |
2019 | Power and vertical positions in an organization chart: a pre-registered replication report of study 3A and a modification of study 1A, Giessner & Schubert (2007) | Giessner, S. R.; Schubert, T. W. | Article | Open Access |
2011 | Puddles, parties and professors: linking word categorization to neural patterns of visuospatial coding | Quadflieg, S.; Etzel, J. A.; Gazzola, V.; Keysers, C.; Schubert, T. W.; Waiter, G. D.; Macrae, C. N. | Article | Open Access |
2016 | Revisiting and extending a response latency measure of inclusion of the other in the self | Zickfeld, J. H.; Schubert, T. W. | Article | Open Access |
2021 | Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries | Zickfeld, J. H.; Van de Ven; N.; Pich, O.; Schubert, T. W.; Berkessel, J. B.; Pizarro, J.; Bhushan, B.; Mateo, N. J.; Barbosa, S.; Sharman, L.; Kökönyei, G.; Çolak, T. S.; Martinez-Zelaya, G.; Vingerhoets, A.; Schrover, E.; Kardum, I.; Aruta, J. J. B.; Lazarevic, L. B.; Escobar, M. J.; Stadel, M.; Arriaga, P.; Dodaj, A.; Shankland, R.; Majeed, N. M.; Li, Y.; Lekkou, E.; Hartanto, A.; Özdoğru, A. A.; Vaughn, L. A.; Espinoza; M. Del C.; Caballero, A.; Kolen, A.; Karsten, J.; Manley, H.; Maeura, N.; Eşkisu, M.; Shani, Y.; Chittham, P.; Ferreira, D.; Bavolar, J.; Konova, I.; Sato, W.; Morvinski, C.; Carrera, P.; Villar, S.; Ibanez, A.; Hareli, S.; Garcia, A. M.; Kremer, I.; Götz, F. M.; Schwerdtfeger, A.; Estrada-Mejia, C.; Nakayama, M.; Ng, W. Q.; Sesar, K.; Orjiakor, C. T.; Dumont, K.; Allred, T. B.; Gračanin, A.; Rentfrow, P. J.; Schönefeld, V.; Vally, Z.; Barzykowski, K.; Peltola, H.-R.; Tcherkassof, A.; Haque, S.; Śmieja, M.; Su-May, T. T.; IJzerman, H.; Vatakis, A.; Ong, C. W.; Choi, E.; Schorch, S. L.; Páez, D.; Malik, S.; Kačmár, P.; Bobowik, M.; Jose, P.; Vuoskoski, J.; Basabe, N.; Doğan, U.; Ebert, T.; Uchida, Y.; Zheng, M. X.; Mefoh, P.; Šebeňa, R.; Stanke, F. A.; Ballada, C. J.; Blaut, A.; Wu, Y.; Daniels, J. K.; Kocsel, N.; Burak, E. G. D.; Balt, N. F.; Vanman, E.; Stewart, S. L. K.; Verschuere, B.; Sikka, P.; Boudesseul, J.; Martins, Diogo; Nussinson, R.; Ito, K.; Mentser, S. | Article | Open Access |