Percorrer por autor Lima, M. L.

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2014Adherence to treatment for diabetes mellitus: validation of instruments for oral antidiabetics and insulinBoas, L. C. G.-V.; Lima, M. L.; Pace, A. E.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017All you need is Facebook friends? Associations between online and face-to-face friendships and healthLima, M. L.; Marques, S.; Muiños, G.; Camilo, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2005Análise dos conteúdos da identidade associada ao lugarDuarte, A. P.; Lima, M. L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Anxiety meets nature: The role of nature in the relationship between socioeconomic status, anxiety and well-beingMoura, R.; Camilo, C.; Lima, M. L.; Luís, S.; Elliott, L. R.; White, M. P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018Are you talking to the future me? The moderator role of future self‐relevance on the effects of aging salience in retirement savingsMarques, S.; Mariano, J.; Lima, M. L.; Abrams, D.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2021Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countriesWhite, M. P.; Elliott, L. R.; Grellier, J.; Economou, T.; Bell, S.; Bratman, G. N.; Cirach, M.; Gascon, M.; Lima, M. L.; Lõhmus, M.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Ojala, A.; Roiko, A.; Schultz, P. W.; van den Bosch, M. A.; Fleming, L. E.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2015‘Being old and ill’ across different countries: social status, age identification and older people’s subjective healthMarques, S.; Swift, H. J.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Lima, M. L.; Bratt, C.; Abrams, D.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2011Being well as time goes by: future time perspective and well-­beingCoudin, G.; Lima, M. L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017Beliefs on the local effects of climate change: causal attribution of flooding and shoreline retreatLuís, S.; Freitas, F. E. P.; Rodrigues, N.; Nogueira, A. J. A.; Roseta-Palma, C.; Lima, M. L.; Pinho, L.; Martins, F. C.; Almeida, A. B.; Le Cozannet, G.; Jolivet, V.; Lillebo, A. I.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2013A better physical environment in the workplace means higher well-being? A study with healthcare professionalsAndrade, C.; Hernández-Fernaud, E.; Lima, M. L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Beyond close relationships: The positive effects of group relationships and group identification on healthCamilo, C.; Lima, M. L.; Moura, R.; Quintal, F.; Palacin-Lois, M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2015Beyond information seeking: consumers’ online deliberation about the risks and benefits of red meatRutsaert, P.; Barnett, J.; Gaspar, R.; Marcu, A.; Pieniak, Z.; Seibt, C.; Lima, M. L.; Flecther, D.; Verbeke, W.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2021Cante Pela Sua Saúde: Manual do Programa da Intervenção de Canto em Grupo para SenioresArriaga, P.; Ribeiro, R. R.; Lima, M. L.; Galinha, I. C.; Pires, A.LivroAcesso Aberto
2021Cante pela Sua Saúde: Memória do Projeto Grupos de Canto para SenioresArriaga, P.; Ribeiro, R. R.; Azevedo, S.; Lima, M. L.; Galinha, I. C.; Pires, A.; Frizza, J.; Fontão, S.; Baião, P.; Almeida, M.; Antunes, A.; Ferreira, E.; Freixinho, N.; Barata, M. T.; Dias, C. P.; Lourenço, J.; Pinto, S.; Veloso, J.; Cabeças, A. M.; Gaspar, S.; Kellen, M.; Precatado, H.LivroAcesso Aberto
2018Changing identities to change the world: identity motives in lifestyle politics and its link to collective actionFernandes-Jesus, M.; Lima, M. L.; Sabucedo, J.-M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018Competent enough to be heard? Technicians’ expectations about local stakeholders in participative processesLima, M. L.; Marques, S.; Branco, C.; Talayero, F.; Camilo, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2016Construct validation of the portuguese version of the restraint scaleCarvalho, J.; Marques, M. M.; Ferreira, M. B.; Lima, M. L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2016Consumers’ avoidance of information on red meat risks: information exposure effects on attitudes and perceived knowledgeGaspar, R.; Luís, S.; Seibt, C.; Lima, M. L.; Marcu, A.; Rutsaert, P.; Fletcher, D.; Verbeke, W.; Barnett, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2011A contextual approach on sex-related biases in pain judgments: The moderator effects of medical evidence and patients' distress cues on nurses' judgments of chronic low-back pain.Bernardes, S.F.; Lima, M. L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017Do the hospital rooms make a difference for patients’ stress? A multilevel analysis of the role of perceived control, positive distraction, and social supportAndrade, C. C.; Devlin, A. S.; Pereira, C. R.; Lima, M. L.ArtigoAcesso Aberto