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2021Behavioural change box? Applying the COM-B model to understand behavioural triggers that support consumption of fruits and vegetable among subscribers of a fruit and vegetable box schemeCraveiro, D.; Marques, S.; Bell, R.; Khan, M.; Godinho, C.; Peixeiro, F.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Equity, health, and sustainability with PROVE: the evaluation of a Portuguese program for a short distance supply chain of fruits and vegetablesCraveiro, D.; Marques, S.; Marreiros, A.; Bell, R.; Khan, M.; Godinho, C.; Quiroga, S.; Suárez, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2018The INHERIT model: a tool to jointly improve health, environmental sustainability and health equity through behavior and lifestyle changevan der Vliet, N.; Staatsen, B.; Kruize, H.; Morris, G.; Costongs, C.; Bell, R.; Marques, S.; Taylor, T.; Quiroga, S.; Juarez, P. M.; Máca, V.; Ščasný, M.; Zvěřinová, I.; Tozija, F.; Gjorgjev, D.; Espnes, G.; Schuit, J.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Ten Lessons for good practice for the INHERIT triple win: health, equity, and environmental sustainabilityBell, R.; Khan, M.; Romeo-Velilla, M.; Stegeman, I.; Godfrey, A.; Taylor, T.; Morris, G.; Staatsen, B.; van der Vliet, N.; Kruize, H.; Anthun, K. S.; Lillefjell, E.; Espnes, G. A.; Chiabai, A.; De Jalón, S. G.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Máca, V.; Zvěřinová, I.; Ščasný, M.; Marques, S.; Craveiro, D.; Westerink, J.; Spelt, H.; Karnaki, P.; Strube, R.; Merritt, A. - S.; Friberg, M.; Bélorgey, N.; Vos, M.; Gjorgjev, D.; Upelniece, L.; Costongs, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Urban green space: creating a triple win for environmental sustainability, health, and health equity through behavior changeKruize, H.; van der Vliet, N.; Staatsen, B.; Bell, R.; Chiabai, A.; Trujillo, G.; Higgins, S.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Yngwe, M. A.; Tsichlas, F.; Karnaki, P.; Lima, M. L.; García de Jalón, S.; Khan, M.; Morris. G.; Stegeman, I.ArtigoAcesso Aberto