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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2024Academic success, engagement and self-efficacy of first-year university students: Personal variables and first-semester performanceCasanova, J. R.; Sinval, J.; Almeida, L. S.ArticleOpen Access
2023Adaptation, confirmatory factor analysis, and psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Repetitive Eating QuestionnaireTeodoro, M. C.; Conceição, E.; Sinval, J.; de Lourdes, M.; Neufeld, C. B.ArticleOpen Access
2022Assessing meaning violations in Syrian refugees: A mixed-methods cross-cultural adaptation of the GMVS-ArabVMatos, L.; Água, J.; Sinval, J.; Park, C. L.; Indart, M. J.; Leal, I.ArticleOpen Access
2022Burnout and dropout intention in medical students: The protective role of academic engagementAlves, S. A.; Sinval, J.; Neto, L. L.; Marôco, J.; Ferreira, A. G.; Oliveira, P.ArticleOpen Access
2022Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT): Validity evidence from Brazil and PortugalSinval, J.; Vazquez, A. C. S.; Hutz, C. S.; Schaufeli, W. B.; Silva, S. A.ArticleOpen Access
2024Correlates of burnout and dropout intentions in medical students: A cross-sectional studySinval, J.; Oliveira, P.; Novais, F.; Almeida, C. M.; Telles-Correia, D.ArticleOpen Access
2020Development of the Referee Shared Mental Models Measure (RSMMM)Sinval, J.; Aragão e Pina, J.; Sinval, J.; Marôco, J.; Santos, C. M.; Uitdewilligen, S.; Maynard, M.T.; Passos, A. M.ArticleOpen Access
2022Employability profiles of higher education graduates: a person-oriented approachMonteiro, S.; Almeida, L. S.; Gomes, C.; Sinval, J.ArticleOpen Access
2023Food addiction and grazing: The role of difficulties in emotion regulation and negative urgency in university studentsRibeiro, A.; Sinval, J.; Félix, S.; Guimarães, C.; Machado, B. C.; Gonçalves, S.; Lourdes, M. de.; Conceição, E. M.ArticleOpen Access
2021Interventions for improving recovery from workSinval, J.; van Veldhoven, M.; Oksanen, T.; Azevedo, L. F.; Atallah, A. N.; Melnik, T.; Marôco, J.ArticleOpen Access
2020Measurement invariance of the burnout assessment tool (BAT) across seven cross-national representative samplesde Beer, L. T.; Schaufeli, W. B.; De Witte, H.; Hakanen, J. J.; Shimazu, A.; Glaser, J.; Seubert, C.; Bosak, J.; Sinval, J.; Rudnev, M.ArticleOpen Access
2021Openness Toward Organizational Change Scale (OTOCS): Validity evidence from Brazil and PortugalSinval, J.; Miller, V.; Marôco, J.ArticleOpen Access
2023The Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire: Validity evidence from the Brazilian versionSaur, A. M.; Sinval, J.; Del-Ben, C. M.; Batista, R. F. L.; Silva, A. A. M. Da; Barbieri, M. A.; Bettiol, H.ArticleOpen Access
5-Dec-2019Preliminary test of the potential of contact with dogs to elicit spontaneous imitation in children and adults with severe autism spectrum disorderSilva, K.; Lima, M.; Fafiães, C.; Sinval, J.; De Sousa, L.ArticleOpen Access
2020The quality of work life scale: validity evidence from Brazil and PortugalSinval, J.; Sirgy, J.; Dong-Jin, L.; Marôco, J.ArticleOpen Access
2021The relationship between inclusion climate and voice behaviors beyond social exchange obligation: The role of psychological needs satisfactionPaolillo, A.; Sinval, J.; Silva, S.A.; Vittorio E. ScuderiArticleOpen Access
2021Self-efficacy, mental models and team adaptation: a first approach on football and futsal refereeingAragão e Pina, J.; Passos, A. M.; Maynard, M. T.; Sinval, J.ArticleOpen Access
2020Short index of job satisfaction: validity evidence from Portugal and BrazilSinval, J.; Marôco, J.ArticleOpen Access
2019Transcultural adaptation of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) for Brazil and PortugalSinval, J.; Queirós, C.; Pasian, S.; Marôco, J.ArticleOpen Access
2019Transitioning from recruit to officer: an investigation of how stress appraisal and coping influence work engagementRodrigues, S.; Sinval, J.; Queirós, C.; Marôco, J.; Kaiseler, M.ArticleOpen Access