Browsing by Author Marques-Quinteiro, P.

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Showing results 3 to 9 of 9 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2015Better off together: a cluster analysis of self-leadership and its relationship to individual innovation in hospital nursesGomes, C.; Curral, L.; Caetano, A.; Marques-Quinteiro, P.ArticleOpen Access
2019How transactive memory systems and reflexivity relate with innovation in healthcare teamsMarques-Quinteiro, P.; Curral, L.; Passos, A. M.; Lewis, K.; Gomes, C.ArticleOpen Access
2015Measuring adaptive performance in individuals and teamsMarques-Quinteiro, P.; Ramos-Villagrasa, P.; Passos, A. M.; Curral, L.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2013Multilevel research in the field of organizational behavior: an empirical look at 10 years of theory and researchCosta, P. l.; Graça, A. M.; Marques-Quinteiro, P.; Santos, C. M.; Caetano, A.; Passos, A. M.ArticleOpen Access
2020Team adaptability and task cohesion as resources to the non-linear dynamics of workload and sickness absenteeism in firefighter teamsMarques-Quinteiro, P.; Santos,C. M.; Costa, P.; Graça, A.; Marôco, J.; Rico, R.ArticleOpen Access
2019There is light and there is darkness: on the temporal dynamics of cohesion, coordination, and performance in business teamsMarques-Quinteiro, P.; Rico, R.; Passos, A. M.; Curral, L.ArticleOpen Access
2020Trabalho em equipa em Portugal: Uma década de progressoMarques-Quinteiro, P.; Abrantes, A.; Costa, P.; Curral, L.; Graça, A. M.; Passos, A. M.; Santos, C. M.ArticleOpen Access