Percorrer por autor Junça Silva, A.

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2015A Markov chain analysis of emotional exchange in voice-to-voice communication: testing for the mimicry hypothesis of emotional contagionLopes, M.; Navarro, J.; Caetano, A.; Junça Silva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Mindfulness fills in the blank spaces left by affective uncertainty uplifting adaptive behaviorsJunça Silva, A.; Caetano, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017Multinomial logistic regression in worker’s healthGrilo, L. M.; Grilo, H. L.; Bogas, S. P.; Junça Silva, A.Objecto de ConferênciaAcesso Aberto
2024Pets at work: Integrating pet-friendly initiatives into human resources for enhanced workplace harmonyJunça Silva, A.; Galrito, M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Procrastination is not only a “thief of time”, but also a thief of happiness: It buffers the beneficial effects of telework on well-beingJunça Silva, A.; Neves, P.; Caetano, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2012Psychometric properties of a Portuguese version of the Subjective Happiness ScaleSpagnoli, P.; Caetano, A.; Junça Silva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2022The relationship between employer branding, corporate reputation, and intention to applyJunça Silva, A.; Dias, H.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2022The role of dogs in the relationship between telework and performance via affect: A moderated moderated mediation analysisJunça Silva, A.; Almeida, M.; Gomes, C.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023The role of financial status, attitudes, behaviours and knowledge for overall well-being in Portugal: The mediating role of financial well-beingJunça Silva, A.; Dias, R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023The role of mindfulness on the relationship between daily micro-events and daily gratitude: A within-person analysisJunça Silva, A.; Mosteo, L.; Lopes, R. R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2022The role of organizational climate, and work–family conflict in burnout: The case of teachersJunça Silva, A.; Freire, M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023The role of personal and job resources for telework’s affective and behavioral outcomesJunça Silva, A.; Violante, C.; Brito, S.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023The role of satisfaction with the performance appraisal: A comparative study between the public and private sectorsRodrigues, R.; Gomes, C.; Junça Silva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Should I pet or should I work? Human-animal interactions and (tele)work engagement: An exploration of the underlying within-level mechanismsJunça Silva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Socio-cognitive mindfulness is a well-being booster: A serial mediation model to test the mindfulness reappraisal hypothesis with managersJunça Silva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2022A supportive climate may protect employees’ well-being from negative humour events: A test of the affective events theory with humour eventsJunça Silva, A.; Caetano, A.; Lopes, M.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023The telework pet scale: Development and psychometric propertiesJunça Silva, A.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2023Testing the affective events theory in hospitality management: A multi-sample approachJunça Silva, A.; Lopes, E. R.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Thriving in change: Examining the influence of organizational sustainability on employee performance in the post-COVID landscapeJunça Silva, A.; Costa, S.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2024Toward a sustainable world: Affective factors explain how emotional salary influences different performance indicatorsJunça Silva, A.; Burgette, A.; Costa, J. F.ArtigoAcesso Aberto