Percorrer por autor Fiske, A. P.

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2019Kama muta: conceptualizing and measuring the experience of being moved across 19 nations and 15 languagesZickfeld, J. H.; Schubert, T. W.; Seibt, C.; Blomster, J.; Arriaga, P.; Basabe, N.; Blaut, A.; Caballero, A.; Carrera, P.; Dalgar, I.; Ding, Y.; Dumont, K.; Valerie, V.; Gracanin, A.; Gyenis, R.; Hu, C.-P.; Kardum, I.; Lazarevic, L. B.; Mathew, L.; Mentser, S.; Nussinson, R.; Onuki, M.; Páez, D.; Pásztor, A.; Peng, K.; Petrovic, B.; Pizarro, J.; Schönefeld, V.; Smieja, M.; Tokaji, A.; Vingerhoets, A.; Vorster, A.; Vuoskoski, J.; Zhu, L.; Fiske, A. P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2017“Kama muta” or ‘being moved by love’: a bootstrapping approach to the ontology and epistemology of an emotionFiske, A. P.; Schubert, T.; Seibt, B.Parte de LivroAcesso Aberto
2018Moment-to-moment changes in feeling moved match changes in closeness, tears, goosebumps, and warmth: time series analysesSchubert, T. W.; Zickfeld, J. H.; Seibt, C.; Fiske, A. P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019The sudden devotion emotion: kama muta and the cultural practices whose function is to evoke itFiske, A. P.; Seibt, B.; Schubert, T.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Too cute for words: cuteness evokes the heartwarming emotion of kama mutaSteinnes, K. K.; Blomster, J. K.; Seibt, B.; Zickfeld, J. H.; Fiske, A. P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto
2019Touching the base: heart-warming ads from the 2016 U.S. election moved viewers to partisan tearsSeibt, B.; Schubert, T. W.; Zickfeld, J. H.; Fiske, A. P.ArtigoAcesso Aberto